/admin/add/host | Adds a host to the cluster. |
/admin/add/ranks | Add new ranks to the Kinetica cluster |
/admin/alter/host | Alter properties on a host currently in the cluster |
/admin/alter/jobs | Alter a job |
/admin/backup/begin | Prepares the system for a backup operation |
/admin/backup/end | End system backup mode |
/admin/ha/refresh | Restarts HA to handle breaking conf changes |
/admin/offline | Take the system offline |
/admin/rebalance | Rebalance data and/or shards across all nodes in a cluster |
/admin/remove/host | Removes a host from the cluster. |
/admin/remove/ranks | Remove rank(s) from the Kinetica cluster |
/admin/repair/table | Manually repair a corrupted table |
/admin/show/alerts | Show a list of generated alerts. |
/admin/show/cluster/operations | Show cluster operations (add/remove ranks or rebalance) status |
/admin/show/jobs | Show the current jobs in GPUdb |
/admin/show/shards | Show the mapping of the shards to the ranks |
/admin/shutdown | Stop the database server application |
/admin/switchover | Manually switch over one or more processes to another host |
/admin/verifydb | Verify database is in a consistent state |
/aggregate/convexhull | Calculate and return the convex hull for a dataset |
/aggregate/groupby | Calculate unique combinations of values for the given columns in a given dataset |
/aggregate/histogram | Perform a histogram calculation given a table, column, and interval function |
/aggregate/kmeans | Run the k-means algorithm on a dataset |
/aggregate/minmax | Calculate the min and max values of a column in a dataset |
/aggregate/minmax/geometry | Calculate the min and max x- and y- coordinates of a geospatial geometry column in a dataset |
/aggregate/statistics | Calculate statistics of a dataset |
/aggregate/statistics/byrange | Divide a dataset into bins and calculate statistics of the values |
/aggregate/unique | Find unique values in a column |
/aggregate/unpivot | Rotate column values into rows values. |
/alter/backup | Alter a database backup |
/alter/credential | Alter an existing credential |
/alter/datasink | Alter an existing data sink |
/alter/datasource | Alter an existing data source |
/alter/directory | Alter an existing directory in KiFS |
/alter/environment | Alter an existing UDF environment |
/alter/resourcegroup | Alter an existing resource group |
/alter/role | Alter a Role |
/alter/schema | Alter a SQL-style schema. |
/alter/system/properties | Alter system configuration |
/alter/table | Modify various properties of a table or view |
/alter/table/columns | Modify various properties of multiple columns in a table (multiple alter/table requests for columns) |
/alter/table/metadata | Alter metadata for tables |
/alter/tablemonitor | Alter an existing table monitor |
/alter/tier | Alter an existing tier |
/alter/user | Alter a user |
/alter/video | Alter a video. |
/alter/wal | Alters table wal settings |
/append/records | Append records from a source table to a target table based on the field map |
/clear/statistics | Clears statistics for column(s) in a table. |
/clear/table | Delete a table |
/clear/tablemonitor | Deactivate a table monitor |
/clear/trigger | Delete a trigger |
/collect/statistics | Collect statistics on a column. |
/create/backup | Create a database backup |
/create/credential | Create a new credential. |
/create/datasink | Create a data sink |
/create/datasource | Create a data source |
/create/directory | Create a directory in KiFS |
/create/environment | Create a UDF environment |
/create/graph | Create a new graph network. |
/create/job | Create a new job to be executed asynchronously |
/create/jointable | Create a table that is the result of a SQL JOIN |
/create/materializedview | Begin the creation a materialized view |
/create/proc | Create a proc |
/create/projection | Create a projection of an existing table |
/create/resourcegroup | Create a new resource group |
/create/role | Create a new role |
/create/schema | Create a SQL-style schema. |
/create/table | Create a new table |
/create/table/external | Create a new external table |
/create/tablemonitor | Create a table monitor that will watch for and queue any records added |
/create/trigger/byarea | Create a table trigger for new records falling within a 2-D boundary |
/create/trigger/byrange | Create a table trigger for new records falling within a 1-D range |
/create/type | Create a table record type |
/create/union | Create a table that is the merge of one or more tables |
/create/user/external | Create a new external user |
/create/user/internal | Create a new internal user |
/create/video | Create a video. |
/delete/directory | Delete a directory from KiFS |
/delete/files | Delete one or more files from KiFS |
/delete/graph | Deletes a graph. |
/delete/proc | Delete a proc |
/delete/records | Delete matching records from a dataset |
/delete/resourcegroup | Deletes a resource group |
/delete/role | Delete an existing role |
/delete/user | Delete an existing user |
/download/files | Download one or more files from KiFS |
/drop/credential | Drop an existing credential |
/drop/datasink | Drop an existing data sink |
/drop/datasource | Drop an existing data source |
/drop/environment | Drop an existing UDF environment |
/drop/schema | Drop an existing SQL-style schema. |
/execute/proc | Execute a proc |
/execute/sql | Execute a SQL statement (query, DML, or DDL) |
/export/query/metrics | Export query metrics to a given destination. |
/export/records/tofiles | Export records from table |
/export/records/totable | Exports records from source table to the specified target table in an external database |
/filter | Filter a dataset for records matching an expression |
/filter/byarea | Filter a dataset for records falling within a 2-D polygon's boundary |
/filter/byarea/geometry | Filter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a 2-D polygon |
/filter/bybox | Filter a dataset for records within a rectangle's boundary |
/filter/bybox/geometry | Filter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a rectangle's boundary |
/filter/bygeometry | Filter a dataset for records in relation to a given WKT geometry's boundary |
/filter/bylist | Filter a dataset for records with specific column values |
/filter/byradius | Filter a dataset for records within a circle's boundary |
/filter/byradius/geometry | Filter a dataset for geospatial geometry objects intersecting a circle's boundary |
/filter/byrange | Filter a dataset for records within a 1-D range |
/filter/byseries | Filter a dataset for records within a track's space/time boundary |
/filter/bystring | Filter a dataset for records with matching column text values |
/filter/bytable | Filter a dataset for records with column values matching another table's column values |
/filter/byvalue | Filter a dataset for records matching a specific value |
/get/job | Get the status and result of asynchronously running job |
/get/records | Retrieve records from a table with optional filtering and sorting |
/get/records/bycolumn | Retrieve the values of the given columns within a specified range. |
/get/records/byseries | Retrieve the complete series/track records from partial track information |
/get/records/fromcollection | [DEPRECATED] Retrieve records from a collection, optionally returning the record IDs |
/get/records/json | Get records in JSON format |
/grant/permission | Grant user or role the specified permission on the specified object |
/grant/permission/credential | Grant a credential-level permission to a user or role |
/grant/permission/datasource | Grant a data source permission to a user or role |
/grant/permission/directory | Grant a KiFS directory-level permission to a user or role |
/grant/permission/proc | Grant a proc-level permission to a user or role |
/grant/permission/system | Grant a system-level permission to a user or role |
/grant/permission/table | Grant a table-level permission to a user or role |
/grant/role | Grant membership in a role to a user or role |
/has/permission | Check if user has specified permission on the specified object |
/has/proc | Check for existence of specified proc |
/has/role | Check if user has specified role |
/has/schema | Check for the existence of specified schema |
/has/table | Check for the existence of specified table |
/has/type | Check for the existence of specified type |
/insert/records | Add records to specified table |
/insert/records/fromfiles | Insert records from one or more files into the specified target table |
/insert/records/frompayload | Insert records from a text-based or binary payload into the specified target table |
/insert/records/fromquery | Insert records from external database from a given query into the specified target table |
/insert/records/json | Insert records in JSON format |
/insert/records/random | Generate random records and insert into specified table |
/insert/symbol | Add rendering symbol or icon to the database |
/kill/proc | Kill a running proc instance |
/lock/table | Set read or write locks on a table |
/match/graph | Match sample points to a graph. |
/merge/records | Merge records from multiple source tables to a new result table |
/modify/graph | Update an existing graph network. |
/query/graph | Queries an existing graph. |
/repartition/graph | Rebalance existing partitioned graph network. |
/restore/backup | Restores a backup |
/revoke/permission | Revoke from user or role the specified permission on the specified object |
/revoke/permission/credential | Revoke a credential-level permission from a user or role |
/revoke/permission/datasource | Revoke a data source permission from a user or role |
/revoke/permission/directory | Revoke a KiFS directory-level permission from a user or role |
/revoke/permission/proc | Revoke a proc-level permission from a user or role |
/revoke/permission/system | Revoke a system-level permission from a user or role |
/revoke/permission/table | Revoke a table-level permission from a user or role |
/revoke/role | Revoke membership in a role from a user or role |
/show/backup | Show information about a backup. |
/show/credential | Show information about a credential. |
/show/datasink | Show information about a data sinks. |
/show/datasource | Show information about a data source. |
/show/directories | Show information about directories in KiFS |
/show/environment | Show information about a environment. |
/show/files | Show information about files in KiFS |
/show/graph | Info about graphs. |
/show/proc | Show information about a proc. |
/show/proc/status | Show the statuses of running or completed proc instances. |
/show/resource/objects | Shows information relating to resource objects |
/show/resource/statistics | Show statistics for tier and resource groups |
/show/resourcegroups | Shows information relating to resource groups |
/show/schema | Show information about a single SQL-style schema or all schemas. |
/show/security | Show security information relating to users and/or roles. |
/show/sql/proc | Show information about a SQL Procedure. |
/show/statistics | Show collected statistics for the specified table |
/show/system/properties | Show the server configuration and version information |
/show/system/status | Show server configuration and health status |
/show/system/timing | Show the last 100 requests, the request timing, and internal job id |
/show/table | Show information about tables, views, or schemas. |
/show/table/metadata | Show metadata for the specified table |
/show/tablemonitors | Show information about table monitors |
/show/tables/bytype | Show table names of specified type |
/show/triggers | Show information for specified or all triggers |
/show/types | Show information for specified types |
/show/video | Retrieve information about rendered videos. |
/show/wal | Shows information relating to table wal entries |
/solve/graph | Solves an existing graph. |
/update/records | Perform predicate-based updates to table data |
/update/records/byseries | Update a view to include all series/track information for contained series/track |
/upload/files | Upload one or more files to KiFS |
/upload/files/fromurl | Upload one or more files to KiFS from a URL list |
/visualize/image/chart | Draw a chart from specified tables and return it as an image. |
/visualize/isochrone | Draw isolines for travel results. |
/vts | VTS capability |
/wms | WMS capability |